Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday Nov. 23

First I will talk about my reactions to the movie Julie and Julia. What I found interesting about it is that as Julie gave herself a challage to cook about 500 resepies and she gave herself a year to complete all 500. It was also intersting how the editor of the movie switched back from Julies life to Julia. Now to switch the topic to how blogging got some people fired. I would think that if you were going to blog about something that you didn't want everyone who stumbles apon your blog to know about you, then you prabably don't what to writing about it. Something that I found odd was posting pictures about your job.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Free Writing about Social Media

My first response to this video was that their are a lot of social networks that let us communicate with each other and provide information about different things that are going on around the world. Something else that I saw was the rise in numbers of each site attended. If I remember correctly, hulu only had about 36 million visits in 2008 and in 2009 it went up 300 million views. I also remember seeing that wikipedia has over 156 article published ever hour with I thought was amazing how many people add to wikipedias archive. Another thing that I remember is that there was a rise in elders that use the internet that range from the are of 50 to 60. I am trying to remember some more things from the youtube video. Oh, the statistics were going by at a moderatly fast pace so it was harder to remember somethings and store them for a latter time. I think that is about it.